All our plants are grown organically on our worm farm without the use of chemicals. They are strong and healthy with an increased natural resistance to diseases because they are grown in worm casts and bokashi. Visit us to see the full range as large plants are collection only.
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We have organically grown bamboos that range in size from 10 litre to 285 litre pots, you are welcome to come and have a look.
Our selection of delicious organically grown edible plants (fruits and vegetables). All our plants are grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals. While the use of bookashi and wormcast strengthens the plants and even adds to the flavour (we'll let you be the judge of that!)
It is well known any plant improves the air we breathe. Scientists at NASA did studies into which plants are most effective at purifying the air and two of the best performers were Aspidistra and Spider Plants. Not not only do these plants produce oxygen from carbon dioxide,they also absorbs impurities such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene. The air inside homes and offices can be 3 to 10 times more polluted than the air outside because of the vapours given off by things like carpets and paints. The good news is NASA says you only need 3 houseplants to improve the air quality of a room or office up to 10 square metres in size.
If you are looking for a present why not buy a Gift Card or voucher. You can buy gift cards for most of the products we sell. We send you the card. You send it to the recipient. Inside is an insert describing their gift and instructions on how to receive it, they choose the address they want their gift delivered to and the date they wish to receive it. Simple and fun.
Magical beans with messages and pictures laser etched into them on both sides which will continue to enlarge as the beans grow.