10 litre bag bokashi bran

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10 litre bag bokashi bran

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10 litre re-fill bag of bokashi bran.  Although the photo shows a plastic bag we send our bran out in paper sacs in a cardboard box.

The third photo shows 2 planters. One contained conventional compost, the other contained a tub of bokashied food waste and soil. They were sown with the same number of seeds and sited side by side. No need to tell you which planter had the bokashi!

Our aim is to encourage and inspire you to turn your food waste into something wonderful, as well as breeding worms and making wormeries we offer other environmentally friendly food waste solutions.  We know that not everyone is as fond of worms as we are, if you fall into that category then Bokashi composting may be the answer.
The active ingredient is Effective-Micro-organisms, a pro-biotic mix for the soil, it has been used in Japan for nearly 30 years to ferment food waste and improve soil fertility. Thr great thing about this system is that it enables you to compost all your food waste including meat, fish and dairy products.
Collect your food waste in an air tight lidded container, sprinkle a handful of bokashi bran over every inch of food waste, continue until the container is full, make sure the lid is air-tight, leave to ferment for 2 weeks and then add to a conventional composter or bury it in the garden.
Bokashi bran is also great for feeding to animals as it improves their overall health by introducing millions of beneficial micro-organisms and has the added advantage of making their poo less smelly.

Your order will be sent out within 2 working days for next day delivery. If you may not be in to receive it please send instructions as to where it may be safely left e.g. by the dustbins. The courier also requires a contact telephone number.


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